Tuesday, January 8, 2019

January 8, 2019, Tuesday

Rain, rain go!  These EDS children would like to play in the SNOW!  Much as we do not enjoy shoveling, it makes for a fun school day when we can get the sleds out and make some snow people or snow pets together.

Our morning workshops were pet mask painting, alphabet bubbles in the water table, and drawing.  At morning meeting we talked about the Letter D and about pet care. 

Our snack was grapes, cheese and crackers.  After snack we shared a story, MY DINOSAUR, which is a dreamy book about a little girl that has a pet dinosaur visit her at night and they go and play in the forest.  After the story we did a response paper on what we would play with our pet dinosaur.  We also continued work on our pet masks .

We had indoor recess.  We got some good movement in riding bikes and playing zoo animal croquet.  We also set up a farm and fire station and sticker book station.

After lunch we had some puzzle and Lego time.  Some nice quiet activity to settle our tummies after eating.  We continued work on pet masks into the afternoon and played an I SPY letter game.  We ended our day together on the story rug for some stories about pets that you will see pictured below.

PAB ALERT! Join us tomorrow at 9 am for our January Parent Advisory Board meeting! The agenda was sent out, so let us know if you have any questions or comments if you cannot attend the meeting. Hope to see you there :)

**We would also greatly appreciate donations of tissues!**