Friday, August 21, 2020

Emmanuel Day School 2020-2021 School Year

Dear Friends, 

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. 

It has been an absolute joy to serve you and your children each day at Emmanuel Day School. 

From discovering if apples sink or float, and building legendary block cities, to painting the snow on icy days and singing silly seasonal songs about sipping cider, it has been a pleasure to a part of the fabric and magic of early childhood. 

We are truly devastated by the decision to suspend the operations of Emmanuel Day School this year. In these unusual times, we understand that we all must make adjustments to keep our families healthy. 

We will spend these final days issuing you all the appropriate refunds and buttoning up the classroom for a year long nap. 

Although we may not be joining together under the Emmanuel Day School roof, I believe it is critical for us to maintain our strong and loving EDS family by keeping in touch. 

Many families are suggesting the idea of forming small EDS inspired preschool pods. I think this is one wonderful way to continue our community. I would be happy to listen to ideas and offer any assistance! 

Please let me know how I can support you and keep our spirit and community alive over the coming months. 

Wishing you peace, health and play!

Sincerely yours, 