Friday, January 18, 2019

January 17, 2019, Thursday

It was a sticky kind of morning today...we had a lively sticker round table today with all kinds of pet stickers to enjoy.  Stickers are such a fine activity for fine motor development!  Our other morning workshop tables were Valentine candy heart color sorting and the rice and bean sensory table.

We heard the Parable of the Good Shepard at Godly Play with Mother Anita today. She also read A IS FOR ALTAR AND B IS FOR BIBLE.

Snack today was popcorn and bananas.  After snack we went outdoors for some fresh air.

It was Show and Share for the Letter K today.  Thank you for all the wonderful items shared today.  One friend brought in a Kaleidoscope.  Everyone took a turn looking through the scope to see such fun images.  Some of our friends said they had never seen one before, so we had a brief tutorial on how to operate it.  What fun!

We continued work on our pet masks today and some worked on their Valentine mailbags.

We ended our day with a bang, literally.  As part of our force and motion study, we introduced catapulting.  We experimented with different sized catapults with different items of varying weight to catapult.