Tuesday, November 13, 2018

November 13, 2018, Tuesday

We were thankful for cranberries today!  An amazing fruit packed with nutrients and certainly fun to play with, especially in our classroom bog.

Our morning workshop areas were Plymouth Plantation story table,  turkey feather counting, headband making station, Tornado tubes  and ocean sand, and Thanksgiving story bracelets.

At Morning Meeting we retold the first Thanksgiving story and a few friends shared their thankful feather.  It is not too late, please send in your turkey feather if you have not done so.  Our triangle turkey in the math room is looking marvelous with all of those fancy feathers.

Snack today was peanut butter balls, graham crackers and grapes.

We introduced the letter I today.  Our friends built the letter with wooden pieces, traced and erased the letter with our chalk and sponges, and colored a picture in our HWT workbook.  We told turkey tales today about where our turkey plans to run and hide on Thanksgiving Eve.  We also began our cranberry science today.  It is fun to investigate cranberries and learn about those beautiful cranberry bogs that are located so close to where we live!  There is nothing more beautiful than a sunny car ride through Plymouth, MA, to see the cranberry bogs and the Mayflower replica ship.

Indoor recess today, we got to play stuff the turkey!  A paper ball game of basketball with a giant bag shaped like a turkey.  What a hoot, thank you Pinterest!  We also had out Tinkertoys and lots of new puzzles to explore.

After lunch we continued working on our headbands for the feast and our turkey stories and cranberry science.  We ended our day exploring our lightning ball.  It was a perfect day for such exploration as it was a bit dark and dim in our classroom today.  We put the rainstorm sound machine on and watched the bolts connect to our hands.

We ended our day running in the wet leaves and the warm wind.