Tuesday, February 13, 2018

February 13, 2018, Tuesday

Today we held our own EDS Olympics!   The children enjoyed challenging their balancing, throwing, agility, and tumbling skills.  They came up with their own Olympic games too.  Miss Kathy from the Newport Library came for a visit.  She read some lovely stories and the children made a special valentine holder with her.  You can find information about the stories we read together in your child's communication folder.  We celebrated another birthday today!  It was Mother Anita's birthday!  We made her a giant card.  We had great fun outside, it was a sunny mild afternoon.  We even opened the sandbox.  Our friends may need an extra soak tonight as the day was perfect for mud play.  We do not discourage mud play.  We can supply you with literature on the developmental merits of this type of play if you are curious.  Our snack was cheese sticks, green grapes and crackers.  Tomorrow we will be sending home Valentine boxes.  We will be encouraging the children to wait until they are home to open their boxes and would appreciate your support in following this request.  That way we will have very happy little Valentines because they will not get mixed up or lost!

I spy with my little eye.

 Can you throw the bean bag through the hoop?
 Can you somersault?
 The most challenging event, balancing the wooden egg on the spoon around the cones and back!
 The children created the crawling through the hoop event.
... and Shoot a basket.
 Valentine stories with Miss Kathy.

 Mother Anita's birthday card.

 Balance beam event.
 Quick to the next event.
 I did it!
 I can weave in between the cones!

 We studied the letter B too!