The water table returned to the classroom this morning in honor of Letter W week. Just water with basters and cups and tubes and bottles and was all about water investigation. If your child came home with different clothes on, they most likely really enjoyed the water table and opted out on the plastic smock. Water color experimenting continued at a table as well.
At morning meeting we had our tweet and greet, reviewed the letter of the week. Our Lion or Lamb report today was a Lion...our reporter felt the overcast sky was reason enough for a Lion. We danced to our phonics song, listening carefully for the letter W.
Snack was exceptionally tasty oranges, puffed kettle chips, and salsa. After snack, we had show and share. Thank you for remembering to send in all those great W items. We had a lovely variety of items to talk about. While we were gathered together, we read the story Van Gogh's Colors. We investigated the colors in some of his famous paintings, such as Starry Night. We talked about how Van Gogh painted many pictures of himself using a mirror.
We went outdoors for recess today. We played on bikes, the slide, and the teeter totter. The sandbox was open and bouncey balls were out too. We also drew pictures with chalk on the sidewalk.
After lunch, we met in the math room and talked about our number 4. We built a number line using numbers 1 through 10, working on those number recognition skills. We also talked about our shape of the month, the rectangle, and what makes a rectangle a rectangle!
We ended our day in the church library singing Willaby Wallaby Woo.