Thursday, February 13, 2020

13 February 2020, Thursday

You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream!  We are all excited for our ice cream social tomorrow and our visit with our beloved grandparents.  What a fun way to end our letter G week, with our grandparents!

We made fresh play dough for morning play.  We coupled it with baking tins and plates and cups for baking.  The rainforest animal board and spy puzzles were also set up for investigation.

At morning meeting we had our tweet and greet.  We reviewed our hickory dickory dock clock schedule of the day and danced to a few rainforest jungle songs.

Snack today was veggie straws, green grapes and carrots.  After snack we read a doggie love story call Pretzel.  We had indoor recess today.  We opened the room for free play and the children worked on their fairy tale paper dolls and we finished up making our Valentine headband and other projects.

Abouna had Godly Play with the children today before lunch.  She talked to the children about the Parable of the Pearl.  Everyone got to touch the pearls which was very special.  This parable speaks to the value of the kingdom of heaven.

After lunch we practiced our Valentine show and then played our hide and seek number game.  We met in the math room and reviewed our number blocks 1 to 10.  We then hid them in our mailroom.  Everyone got to find a number and show and tell what they found.  We ended our day in the library talking about what our favorite ice cream flavor is.