The Post Office is Open! Our friends enjoyed sorting and delivering the mail this morning. We will be reading stories and talking about how the mail carrier finds us to deliver our mail before our field trip to the Newport Post Office on Friday.
Our morning workshop tables were Valentine creation station, aircraft carrier with building cups for flying around, and a station with markers and paper for drawing. At morning meeting we had tweet and greet and practiced our Valentine songs. We read a story called Send It. The story pictured all the different ways that mail travels. You can ask your child to see if they remember that mail can travel by a train, a plane, a truck, or a boat.
Our snack was cheese sticks, veggie straws and apple slices. We went out doors for recess where we road bikes, played on the slide and teeter totter, balanced on our balancing domes, and played chase and frisbee.
After lunch some friends needed to paint their bony hands and bony feet for their bony bodies to finish them. We ended our day all together in our post office where we talked about what an address is and the different parts of an address. We looked at a simple map of Aquidneck Island that was divided by Portsmouth, Middletown, Newport and Tiverton, which is all the townships that make up our school community. Each friend got a special letter with their address on it, and we worked together to figure out what special mail slot in our post office that letter needed to be placed in for the mail carrier to be able to deliver the letter to their house. If you go into our post office, you will see a mail sorter that is color coded for each town with its special zip code. We worked together to read all the special numbers in the different zip codes. Our friends are getting very good at number recognition! This really exercised our brains at the end of the day!