Somebody waved a magic wand and gave us a beautiful spring like day on this winter day! We spent some extra time outdoors enjoying the sunshine and warm temperatures. We took our magic wands outside with us, just in case someone tried to make it snow.
Our morning workshop tables were story sequencing cards. Part of our fairy tale study is exercising our ability to remember what happens first, next and last in a story. There also was a magic vine with number leaves and magic beans. The idea was to count the beans for each leaf with a number before you could move Jack up the vine. We also continued working on our number 7 page for our number books. The 7 dwarfs of course.
Abouna had Godly Play with the children this morning. She told the story of Exodus. It is always exciting when Abouna brings the sand desert box out to tell a story. One friend was familiar with the story and shared a song with her friends called "Let my people go Pharoah".
Our snack was veggie straws, carrots, and cheese sticks. After snack, we hurried outside to the sunshine. It was a great morning for bike riding and bouncy balls and magic wands.
After lunch we had sharing time together. Thank you for all the fun K items sent in today! We read the story Cinderella. Everyone got a wand for the story so we could make the magic in the story happen. We spent some time comparing the fairy tale stories that we have read so far, talking about how they are the same and how they are different.
We ended our day back outside in the fresh air.