Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Jan 5th

Welcome Back! 

Click on the title of the blog in your email- it is a link to the full blog page with so much to offer, including an electronic version of our updated newsletter, music and parent resources. 

Hope everyone had a relaxing and joyful new year! In house enrollment information will be distributed tomorrow. 

We had another great day today! 
The students: explored new centers, wrote in journals about their holidays, made a snowy scene with shaving cream paint, checked out the school changes, partcipated in morning meeting, discussed animals in winter- hibernation, migration, adaptation, had outdoor play (brrr), had chapel with Miss Jordan, created snowmen, made blue letter Bs with bubble paint. 

Please remember to: 
Make your Jan tuition payment, 
Send in winter spare clothing to replace fall spare clothing, 
Check out the Jan Newsletter and the new snack schedule, 
Link to our Google calendar to keep up to date on school events! 
Join us at the PAB meeting next Wednesday at 9am. 

Thank you for all you do! We are so excited for the new year! 
:) Miss Carissa 

Today's Photos: