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Christmas Show:
Thursday, December 18th ALL STUDENT DRESS REHERSAL 1-2pm Wear your PJs!
A refreshment sign-up sheet is on the sign in table! Hope your can share some of your favorite Christmas cookies or treats with us.
Dear Families,
The children have worked so hard to prepare for this show. They are eager and excited to share the story and songs with you. This is meant to be a student centered, fun and festive celebration! It is a lot to ask three, four and five year old children to present in front of a large audience. The day of the show, we always anticipate a child feeling shy or overwhelmed who choose not to preform. That is OKAY! We just want everyone to have a jolly time together and celebrate the magic of the season.
EDS Giving Tree-
Thank you to the families who have taken a tag from our giving tree! It is such a blessing that you can assist those children in need from Pell this season. Please return your wrapped gift with the original gift tag on it by Monday, Dec 15th.
The Students: laced stockings, explored centers including new Christmas story center, created Christmas gifts and cards, had a visit from the Audubon Society of RI who presented an interactive version of "The Mitten" by Jan Brett with Otie the screech owl, played outside, sang Christmas songs and practiced for the Christmas show.
A BIG THANK YOU to the Audubon Society of RI for their amazing presentation today! The students were captivated by the story and owl! We can't wait to have them back for another presentation in January. Thank you J.McLaughlin for your fundraiser making these presentations possible.
Donation Alert- For the January unit of study (its a surprise!) we are asking you to collect all of your used Kleenex boxes and wrapping paper rolls for EDS.
Thank you for your continued generosity, support and patience during this busy holiday season.
:) Miss Carissa
Photos from yesterday and today! (Thanks Miss Terri!)