Monday, October 2, 2023

Photos from our 2023 Reunion in the Orchard

THANK YOU ALL for joining us today in the orchard! 

It was such a joy to see all of your growing faces and catch up! We continue to be so proud of our EDS children and all that they do!! From our artists to our sports stars, our singers and scholars, a thread of EDS lives on in the fabric of them all. We are so grateful to have such a vibrant and supportive EDS family after all these years. We hope to plan a winter reunion to see more of our friends. Open to ideas! 

Until then, wishing you all a healthy and happy school year.

Enjoy those apples!  (If you did not get to Rocky Brooke yet, its their best apple season on record! They are open all month.)

Yours always,

Miss Carissa 

Look at all these big kids!?