Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Wednesday, February 19th 2020

Welcome Back! We hope everyone had a nice break! Today we jumped right back into the action. We celebrated a birthday and got to spend the day with Miss Pam who is in for Miss Kate today and tomorrow.

The children started to discuss art and even began a special art project that will be a family fundraiser. This spring like weather also prompted us to draw some springy art to decorate the classroom. Then we had Chapel with Abouna.

For snack today we had grapes, carrots and pretzels. Then we headed outside to enjoy this beautiful sunny day.

Be sure to check out our awesome Rainforest room where we are learning all about the exotic animals and plants that live in this very special biome. We will continue our studies of the Rainforest, but some other parts of our school will begin to transition as we prepare for our big upcoming art unit.