Wednesday, February 26, 2020

26 February 2020, Wednesday

We started with a fun new measuring game today called "How Tall Am I?"  It involves a die with body pieces on it, you roll it and continue to build a body from hat to shoes.  Once you have built a body, you measure it with a fun slide rule measuring tool to see which body is the tallest.  It is also fun to play without the die and just build a silly body and measure it.  Our morning tables also included play dough and a watercolor color exploration project for the art show.

Abouna held Godly Play with the children this morning.  She read the story, "Smoky Night."  The story is a parable speaking to the fear of the unknown, particularly regarding different cultures.  It is a thought provoking children's story that won a Caldecott Award.  Through the story, as the strangers got to know each other, their fears melt away.

After chapel, we enjoyed a snack of brie and crackers and fresh pears.   We then headed outdoors  for some fun gross motor play.

We came inside to meet in our new art studio center.  We discussed our new color laboratory, which included what primary colors are and how you can  mix them together to make new color combinations.  We studied the color wheel and talked about the idea that some colors are warm and some colors are cool.  The children each got a turn to pull an item out of a mystery box and identify the color, place it on the color wheel and talk about whether they thought it was cool or warm.  They did an amazing job with this tricky thought process.

After lunch we gathered for Show and Share.  Thank you all for the many fun Letter L items.  It is always a highlight of our day.  We then paraded into our math room and reviewed our shapes and introduced our shape for March which is the Rectangle.  We worked on straightening out our crazy number line that was all mixed up in order and upside down.  The children were very eager to help get those numbers correctly lined up.  We then identified the number 4 as our number of the month. 

We ended our day outside on the playground.