Tuesday, May 22, 2018

May 22, 2018, Tuesday

Today we welcomed a new friend to our school!  It is always exciting to meet someone new. We also discovered another step in the butterfly's life cycle happened this morning right after we began our school day!  A butterfly emerged from its chrysalis!  Very exciting to meet our new friends.  Two wonderful additions!  We continued our practice for graduation day and for Father's Day.  We read a story called "A Butterflies is Patient".  Our snack was hummus pretzels and carrots with ranch.  We had a lot of fresh air as we took our work outside today.  We told stories about what we would do if we were a butterfly.  You can read some of them on our Literacy Room bulletin board.  If you have not sent in a white t-shirt to be painted for graduation, please do so as we are beginning to prepare them.  Thank you.  

 Our new butterfly friend perched on top of the white lid.
 Saying hello.

 We met a new caterpillar outside.
 We met a ladybug too.

 Making a habitat for our bugs.