Wednesday, May 16, 2018

May 16, 2018, Wednesday

Today we welcomed back a friend that has been on vacation for a long time!  We miss our friends when they are away.  Today at circle time the teachers read a story about the butterfly life cycle and shared that there was a problem with the butterfly cocoons.  We were counting on them to help us figure out the step we forgot to do in nurturing our butterflies.  We talked about what is going to happen in a week or so to the 4 chrysalides and asked them to close their eyes to visualize where the 4 chrysalides were right now.  It did not take long...sure enough, one of our friends knew that the chrysalides were still handing in the jar that they came in and would need a bigger space to fly once they shed their outer shell!  Well done!  I knew they could do it!  We got right to moving them into their habitat tent.  Our true hatch day is tomorrow.   We were off a  day.  Hopefully soon we will hear some scratching.  We continued our work preparing for Father's Day Luncheon and Graduation.  The children have chosen their parts and are preparing the props and scenery.  We have big work to do in our last few weeks together!  We went outdoors for recess.  We enjoyed a snack of rice cakes and yogurt.  We ended our day with Show and Share.  

 Outdoor Recess

Show and Share