Sunday, March 29, 2020

Marvelous Monday, March 30, 2020

MONDAY, March 30, 2020, EDS at HOME


The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle

Can you find the letter V in the title?

 STORYLINE This is a great website that features virtual story times. 

This week please view ...

2. LETTER of the WEEK Vv 

Write the letter V.  We verbally say, "Start your letter at the top, make a long diagonal line down and then make a long diagonal line up and stop."   Draw a picture of something that begins with Vv; or for tactile learning, shape the letter V in play dough or a small plate of salt or flour.

Please practice name writing (or reciting the letters of your name while touching each letter with your pointer finger) every day. Listed below in our bonus material is a fun name puzzle activity that is fun for prewriters.

Image result for lion or lamb graph tracking graph
Monday and Tuesday are the last two days to graph our Lion or Lamb weather.  Lion days are stormy and blustery, and Lamb days are sunny and spring-like. Complete your at- home graph if you downloaded one.  You may share it during share time on our Tuesday ZOOM meeting. If you have not been tracking these days, no worries, we have plenty of other  items to share.

Our month changes this week, and our new number is 10.  We need two full hands of fingers to count to 10!  Practice writing or tracing a 1 and a 0  together to make a 10.

Count how many snacks the caterpillar ate in our story of the week.  Do not forget to add the leaf!  Practice writing or tracing that number.


Make a thumbprint caterpillar.  If you do not have an ink pad, you can color your pointer finger or thumb with a washable marker!  We wonder what color your caterpillar will be!

Eric Carle was an artist as well as an author.  His storybooks are filled with color and texture.  He would paint with brushes and interesting objects, such as brooms, sponges and forks! What a fun artist to conclude our art study!  To make an" Eric Carle-style" apple:  color a white piece of paper with a red crayon or marker.  Draw a circle on that colored piece of paper and cut it out.  Make a stem and tape or glue it onto the red circle.


Do the inchworm dance to your favorite song.

Below is a link to some fun Yoga!


 I Am A Pizza!
Math at play
Matisse inspired art!

Sand letter writing at the Beach!
Miss Carissa planted seeds too!

Fresh air and exercise on bikes!

Real pizza!
4 items in a jar!
I can hop on one foot!


Fun Science activity!

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Make your own NAME puzzle. Use cardboard, cardstock or regular paper.  Block print your first name on the paper leaving cutting space between the letters.  Cut the letters apart.  Scramble the letters and then put them in order.  For those just learning the letter order, it is fun to provide a key of their printed name to match the cut out letters to underneath.  Once the first name is mastered, try the last name! Store in a ziplock bag for later use!