Monday, October 19, 2015

October 19th

Good Afternoon, 

Sorry for the missing daily reports today, we completely lost track of time! 

The students: explored centers, played with slime, painted leaves, participated in morning meeting, learned two new Halloween songs, danced to the A Apple /a/ song, explored outside, listened to the Pumpkin Jack story the life cycle of a pumpkin, observed our own pumpkin jack, disected a pumpkin and explored the parts of a pumpkin, roasted pumpkin seeds, measured and compared heights, made giant shape jack-o-lanterns, made letter Ts into trees and retold the Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything story with props. What a day! :) 

Please remember our walking field trip is this Friday! We are leaving EDS at 11:30, pizza picnic at the fireplace in Queen Anne's Square will be at 12. Hope you can join us! Please sign up on the front desk if you are coming! 

Check out the latest PAB minutes sent out over the weekend. Please email me if you did not receive the minutes. 

Thank you for all you do!! 
:) Miss Carissa 

Today's photos: