Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Sept 23rd

Good Afternoon,

Happy first day of Fall!! It was a perfect day!

The students: explored centers, worked together to build towers and a long chain of blocks, painted bumblebees, dictated and wrote in journals, participated in morning meeting, danced to the buzz buzz, played a rhythm game, explored outside and had fun!

We are SO excited for our Back to School Picnic TOMORROW night at 5:30!!!
Featuring the magic of Skip Daniels, families are invited to bring their own picnic dinner and blanket. The PAB (parent advisory board) send out an email from Perfect Potluck (check your email-boxes) regarding dessert sign up. If you have not received this email please email me and I will put you in touch with the PAB. I am so excited for this wonderful event to celebrate our families and friends in the EDS community.

Angel Choir is still on tomorrow afternoon prior to the picnic from 4-4:30. Hope to see you there!

FIELD TRIP Update!  There has been some confusion about field trips at EDS. 

EDS will participate in enriching off campus field trips about once per month to further our learning experiences and enhance our new knowledge. EDS will try to create a balance between walking field trips, that are not mandatory for parent involvement and driving field trips that require parent transportation. Children will ride with their parent or a parent volunteer, in an insured, safe vehicle with the proper car seats according to the Rhode Island State Laws. A signed parent permission slip is required for each trip. EDS will be closed in the morning prior to the field trip, however will open for the remainder of the school day upon the completion of the outing when appropriate. Children who are not scheduled for school that day are encouraged to join us at the field trip with their parents as a chaperone.The Parent Advisory Board plans and implements these field trips in partnership with the EDS teachers based on school curriculum.

Upcoming Trip to Rocky Brook Orchard, Wednesday, September 30th. Meet at the Orchard at 10:30am. If you are ride sharing or need directions, meet in the EDS parking lot at 10am. Students who regularly attend EDS on Wednesdays can return after the outing for the remainder of the school day. 

The next field trip is in October. It is a walking field trip to Queen Anne's Square, specific date TBD but around the second to last week of Oct. Students will walk from EDS. Parents are invited, but it is not mandatory to attend. 

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding specific field trips please contact the PAB chairs (emails located on PAB tab of the blog) Please contact  me if you have any questions about our field trip policy. 

THANK YOU for helping us host these inspiring and enriching outings for our students! It is events like these that make lasting memories. 

:) Miss Carissa 
Today's Photos: