Tuesday, June 2, 2015

June 2nd

Good Afternoon,

The students: explored centers, created graduation t-shirts, participated in morning meeting, had indoor recess, played musical mats, had chapel with Mother Anita, worked on the graduation program, created father's day art and practiced for graduation.

Coming up at EDS:
Friday, June 5th at 12pm Father's Day Pizza Party! RSVP on the front desk.

Wednesday, June 10th Last Day of School 
                     1pm All graduate, graduation dress rehearsal.
                     5pm End of the Year Picnic and Toe Jam Puppet Band!$15 family donations are being 
                             collected on the front desk. Please sign up to bring a side dish or dessert.

Thursday, June 11th 10am Graduation! 

Please send in your white t-shirt to decorate for graduation. 

Portfolio's, final invoice and progress reports will be sent home this week for you to enjoy with your child. Conferences are available upon request.

DON"T FORGET to stop all automatic online payments for the summer!

Baptisms at Emmanuel- Sunday, June 21st. Join EDS families on this special day. See Mother Anita for more information.

Show your support for EDS and review us on Google, Yelp or Facebook!
Thank you for all you do!
:) Miss Carissa

Today's Photos: