Monday, May 25, 2015

Casey Farm Field Trip Tomorrow

Happy Memorial Day!

Tomorrow we are meeting at Casey Farm at 10am to return our little chicks to their home. Miss Kate and Miss Terri are leading this field trip. Please dress for the farm, no uniforms necessary, wear sunscreen and bug spray. Please pack a picnic lunch and a water bottle. We will participate in a farm presentation, then have a picnic lunch. Students are not returning to school after the visit. We are so excited to participate in this traditional EDS event!

Friday, May 29th we are visiting the Norman Bird Sanctuary Third Beach Labs for a Sea Safari lesson, Please return the white NBS permission slip as soon as possible! We are meeting at NBS Third Beach labs at 10am.

Looking forward to another wonderful week at EDS!

Cookbooks will finally be out this week! Thank you for your patience.

:) Miss Carissa

Don't forget to send in your white t-shirt!