Thursday, February 5, 2015

February 4th

Good Afternoon, 

We had fun in the igloo today! 
The students: explored centers, made valentines, paraded around the Mardi Gras float, created letter O octopus, played in the snow and igloo, had chapel with Miss Jordan, listened to two love stories for Valentine's Day, learned a Valentine's song and math poem, completed Valentine's to mail for the post office. 

Please remember to: 
Sign and return your progress report, 
Return your field trip permission slips, 
Make your tuition payment, 
Check out our summer camp registration on the school website, 
See Miss Carissa about extended day, we need at least three families to commit to the same days to get this program off the ground in March! 

Thank you for all you do!! 
:) Miss Carissa 

Today's Photos: