Monday, December 29, 2014


Dear Parents,
Image result for vote clip art
Hope you all had a lovely holiday!

We strive to foster a strong family partnership at EDS! In order to get your feedback on scheduling and other important issues at EDS, we will be using a polling tool to the right of this post. This will allow you to be an active part of our decision making process. The poll question will be posted with two choices. TODAY IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO VOTE!

Parent Input Coffee Hour
This month's poll is in regard to the upcoming Parent Input Coffee Hour in January. Parents are invited to share some coffee and voice their input on the current and future EDS program. Please select the time that works best for you; Tuesday January 27th at 2pm during dismissal or Wednesday, January 28th at 9am after drop off. If the majority choose the dismissal time, Miss Kate and Miss Terri have offered to stay with the students at school while we meet.

I am looking forward to getting your feedback with this new system and meeting with you in January!

Thank you for all you do!
:) Miss Carissa